Terms &

YogaBugs, DanceBugs &  FootieBugs are all brand names of The Bugs group of Companies Limited. Therefore all contracts are with The Bugs Group and adhere to the following terms and conditions.


“Future Pay” means the pay system we use to take reoccurring payments
“After School Club” means a club run in a school and bookable only by pupils in that school
“Birthday Party” means a two hour party for 3-16 years old booked by the Parent/Carer
“Carer” means the person who is responsible for the pupil during a The Bugs Group class
“Class(es)” means all classes that we offer:  (3-16 years) as per the booking made by the Parent/Carer.
“Contract” means the agreement between the Parent/Carer and The Bugs Group once a booking has been confirmed and paid for.
“Fees” means the money chargeable for the The Bugs Group classes/camps/birthday parties as per the booking made online or over the phone.
“Parent” means a parent or legal guardian of the Pupil who will be responsible for the payment of the Fees and who is the contracting party to this contract and who shall (if the Carer is not the Parent) be responsible for compliance with these Terms and Conditions by the Carer
“Pupil” & “Child” means the child registered onto a The Bugs Group class
“Registration Fee” means the payment made by the Parent/Carer to register the pupil onto a The Bugs Group Term for the first time.
“Registration Form” means the form completed by the Parent/Carer at point of registering
“Suppliers” means a company who has produced goods for The Bugs Group.
“Coach” – means the person(s) delivering the The Bugs Group class
“Term” means the dates of the classes running as advertised on the class summary section of the website.
“Website” means www.TheBugsGroup.com

  • All agreements relating to the teaching of the Classes, Holiday Camps, 1 to 1 sessions, Academy and/or Birthday Parties by The Bugs Group to the Pupil and ongoing communication with Coaches and Head Office staff are subject to these Terms to the exclusion of all other Terms and Conditions.
  • No variation or addition to the Terms and Conditions shall be binding unless agreed in writing by The Bugs Group and the Parent/Carer.
  • These Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to be accepted by the Parent/Carer once the box is ticked at point of booking on our website, or by signing the Holiday Camp register and payment of Fees has been received by The Bugs Group to confirm you accept the terms and conditions.
  • The Bugs Group may cancel this contract at any time before the Pupil commences a Term, for any reason whatsoever. 
  • The Bugs Group shall not be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from such cancellation but will refund Fees paid for the remaining Classes in the Term.
First Aid:
  • All coaches are trained in basic/paediatric first aid and by accepting these terms you are agreeing for your child to receive first aid if required from our first aid qualified coaches.

Fees and Payment (Schools / Nurseries):
  • The Bugs Group will agree the hourly/day rate with the school and/or nursery prior to the classes commencing; these are based on discounted rates
  • The agreed amount will be confirmed on the booking form
  • The payment terms will be agreed on the booking form
  • If a school/nursery fails to make payment by the due date, the Bugs Group has the right to cancel the discount and charge the original amount of £100 per hour for the number of agreed sessions
  • If a school/nursery cancels a session with less than 48 hours-notice, the Bugs Group has the right to still charge for the cancelled session
Fees and Payment (parents/guardians):
  • The Parent/Carer must pay for the Fees for the Term online prior to the Pupil attending the classes. The Bugs Group reserves the right not to refund a parent/carer who decides to cancel their child’s place at a club, class or camp.
  • The Bugs Group cannot refund any Registration Fees or credit/debit card charges from booking online.
  • If a refund is agreed, a £10 admin charge is applicable.
  • When paying monthly for your The Bugs Group class, Parent/Carer will pay via Future Pay. This is a monthly payment of £34 for community classes to attend your weekly class for 50 weeks. Or £39 to attend your academy classes for 50 weeks. While monthly payments are received by The Bugs Group, the Parent/Carer child’s space on the class will be secure.
  • If Parent/Carer does not set up their Future Pay payment and payment is instead taken over the phone, The Bugs Group has the right to charge an additional £10 for late payment.
  • All community class bookings are subject to a minimum of three months subscription.
  • To cancel your child’s place after the initial three months, you must give 30 days-notice by contacting Head Office on 0121 77 77792 / [email protected] request cancellation; we will then cancel your payment.
  • When a child is attending an after school club and/or Holiday camp, the Parent/Carer must collect their child at the specific time they have booked. Children must be collected on time. For every 15 minutes a child is uncollected after their pre-booked collection time we reserve the right to charge £15.
  • Should a child fall ill for longer than two weeks The Bugs group will offer the parent/carer the opportunity to retain their child’s space in the class for 50% of their monthly fee.
  • The Bugs Group reserves the right to cancel a Term for any reason whatsoever. In the event of a course being cancelled by The Bugs Group, we will credit the Fees to the Parent/Carer to use on future classes / camps.
  • The Bugs Group cannot refund any Registration Fees or credit/debit card charges from booking online.
  • The Bugs Group Ltd does not offer refunds for classes cancelled by a Parent/Carer.
  • In the event that a The Bugs Group coach cancels one class during a Term due to illness and no replacement is available, an extra class will either be added onto the end of the Term or the Fees for one class will be discounted from the Parent/Carer next Term booking. This is down to the Franchisee’s discretion.
  • In the event that classes are cancelled due to an “Act of God” (e.g. disruption resulting from extreme weather conditions, snow, freezing cold temperatures, thunder & lightning, earthquakes, etc), terrorist activity, strikes, or where local authorities/public guidance advise that classes should be temporarily suspended for health or other reasons, then no refunds will be given and it will not be permitted to defer classes during the affected period.
Parent and/or Carer obligations:
  • The Parent/Carer warrants that the information supplied on the phone or by registration form at point of booking, is accurate and up to date and that if any of this information changes The Bugs Group is immediately informed.
  • The Parent/Carer and/or Pupil must not attend any Class whilst suffering from any serious illness or contagious disease or anything similar thereto.
  • The Parent/Carer takes full responsibility for the Pupil during a class and/or whilst on the premises for a class. The only exception for this is during an After School Club where the Franchisee or Coach has the responsibility for a Pupil.
  • By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions the Parent/Carer agrees to keep the content of the The Bugs Group classes confidential and not to use or copy any aspect of the class directly or indirectly. Whilst the Pupil is attending a course and for a year afterwards, the Parent/Carer must not be directly or indirectly involved, in any way, in a business or organisation which competes with The Bugs Group Ltd.
Holiday Camp:
  • All bookings are non refundable and non transferable.
  • Children must be collected on time, for every 15 minutes a child is uncollected after their pre-booked collection time we reserve the right to charge £5.
  • The Bugs Group nor any of its staff, nor persons involved with the organisation accepts liability for any losses or damage to personal belongings
  • The Bugs Group reserves the right to cancel sessions due to low registration numbers, adverse weather conditions or any other unforeseen circumstances. If this does occur, we will offer alternative arrangements that will include an alternative activity, venue or full refund.
  • All bookings and payments must be made in advance, on the day bookings may be refused.
  • From time to time the Bugs Group will run ‘Bring a Friend’ schemes, whereby parents can recommend a friend to attend the camp and receive specified discounts from their next booking. The discount will only be applied for the number of days that the recommended person has booked for.
  • Should a child be unable to attend the camp due to illness with 48hrs notice given to The Bugs Group, a credit will be applied to their account for a maximum of 6 months.
Liability Disclaimer:
  • The Bugs Group take all reasonable care in ensuring that its programmes are safe.  However, the Parent/Carer agrees that their child will be engaging in physical activities that may involve some risk of injury. The Parent/Carer acknowledges that they have been advised to consult with their child’s physician with respect to any past or present injury, illness, health problem or any other condition or medication that may affect their child’s participation in the The Bugs Group programmes.
  • The Parent/Carer assumes the above risks and accepts responsibility for any injury sustained by their child and discharge and hold harmless The Bugs Group Ltd, its Owners, Franchisees, and personnel including its Coaches and its Suppliers from any liability arising from any injury to your child or other persons or property caused by your child’s participation in the The Bugs Group programmes.
  • The Bugs Group takes no responsibility whatsoever for any loss, damage or expense incurred by a Pupil and or Parent/Carer whilst participating in a class or whilst on the premises of where a Class and / or Birthday Party is taking place.
  • The Bugs Group reserves the right to exclude a Parent/Carer and/or Pupil from a Class and /Holiday Camp / Birthday Party permanently, or for the time they feel necessary, due to behaviour that is not deemed acceptable within a class.
  • The Parent/Carer agrees that any claim made against The Bugs Group Ltd, its Owners, Franchisees, and personnel including its Coaches and its Suppliers, will be made in writing within 30 days of the incident taking place and failure to report in writing within this time will negate any such claim.
Coach Referral Scheme:
  • The coach must be employed by the Bugs Group for  a minimum of 3 months, for you to receive the £50 cash.
  • The coach must be employed by the Bugs Group for  a minimum of 3 months and not come under any disciplinary action.
  • The coach must pass and complete all necessary training after joining the Bugs Group.
  • The coach must have a clear DBS.
  • Your name must be mentioned by the coach at the enquiry stage.
  • There is no limit to how many coaches you can refer.

As long as the above criteria has been met, then you will be eligible to claim your £50 by ringing our Head Office.

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