We work with targeted groups of children to help improve their behaviour by channelling their emotions through sport.

What is it?
The Bugs Group’s behaviour programmes typically work with a targeted group of children chosen by the school to help ‘poorly behaved’ pupils improve their behaviour through fun sports programmes and mindfulness techniques.
The behaviour scheme looks to teach children:
• How to channel energy in a positive manner
• Rules, responsibilities and respect
• How to understand their own feelings
• How to cope with negative emotions
• To trust, share and work with others
Target Areas

What is involved?
Bugs coaches will provide fun sport sessions to a targeted groups of children through all-inclusive session plans, which ensure children of all abilities are able to participate. Incentive schemes run throughout all sessions, which reward children that demonstrate good attitude, behaviour and a consideration for others.
Some of our incentive schemes include: Captain’s armband, star of the week medals, coach high fives and end of term certificates.
We teach children breathing and relaxation techniques to help children focus their mind, keep them calm and help them deal with different emotions.
The Behaviour Programme also includes:

A question and answer...
When does this program usually take place?
Our research has found that lunchtimes are the best time to work with children that are suitable for this programme. It eases stress on the other children and lunchtime supervises in the school, along with the children’s willingness to participate is a lot greater at this time of the day.

What are the benefits?
- Better behaved children when going back into the classroom
- Calmer, more relaxed children throughout the school day
- Sustainability - fully trained lunchtime supervisors
- Further opportunities for children to participate in sport
- More structured play during lunchtimes
- Less arguments/fights during lunch breaks
- Children taught values, roles, responsibilities
- Easier and more enjoyable time for lunchtime supervisors