World Mental Health Day 2017 – #ItsOkNotToBeOk


Today, Tuesday the 10th of October is World Mental Health Day. Over recent years, there appears to have been an increase in the number of cases being reported. Currently, the World Mental Health Foundation estimate that one in six people each week experience a common mental health problem.


World Mental Health Day - YogaBugs

Mental Health issues are also becoming more common in young people and children. Young Minds report that around one in ten children have a diagnosable mental health disorder. In a school environment, this equates to one children in three per classroom.


On a positive note, more work is being done to help break the stigma around mental health issues. Recently, Prince William and Prince Harry have spoken about their personal past experiences and encouraged more people that it is okay to talk about difficulties they may be experiencing.


This is a trend that must be continued and more and more support must be given to those suffering with mental health illnesses, or those in positions to help, such as parents, teachers and relatives.


A recent study has shown that regular exercise can not only help in dealing with mental health issues, but can also prevent them from occurring. Yoga is an excellent activity that has many health benefits; “regular yoga practice is beneficial for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, aches and pains – including lower back pain – depression and stress” (NHS).


YogaBugs focuses on providing children with fun and engaging Yoga sessions by combing yoga inspired movements with storytelling and imagination. YogaBugs classes also integrate mindfulness programmes, focusing on breathing and relaxation techniques and meditation that children can use to help deal with stressful or adverse situations. These techniques also help children develop their own mindfulness and mental wellbeing.

World Mental Health Day - YogaBugs

The importance of regular exercise and activity should not be underestimated in the fight against mental health. Those suffering from mental health issues need support and guidance from those close around them and the trend of raising awareness of mental health issues needs to continue, that #ItsOkNotToBeOk and encourage people to talk about issues that they may be experiencing. World Mental Health Day 2017 will hopefully help more and more people break the stigma surround mental health issues.


If you would like to find out more about YogaBugs, either through our classes in Nurseries and Schools or through our local community classes, please visit our website here or call 0121 777 7792.

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